wavcast video production

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Wavcast is home to a large, dedicated special effects studio that, at 25'x 40' can actually appear as large as the entire outdoors.  Every image to your right was shot in the wavcast studio.

With the capability to recreate virtually any setting - office, retail store, car lot, mountaintop, sea-side in an environmentally controlled studio is a great advantage as weather, time and even daylight is not a factor to timely, quality video production.

Key to the studio capability is the wiring of three full HD video cameras that ingest their signals to a switching computer via HDMI.  The video signals are digitally switched and mixed through a high-end software package that can Sound comes from an independent set of high-quality microphones routed through an audio mixer. 

Wavcast can also bring in 'remote' guests for interviews via skype where you interact with them on a 32" video screen.  Optionally, wavcast will even  netcast your video live via youtube or other content delivery networks.

With thousands of stock video backgrounds available from around the world, wavcast can take you where you want to go. 
wavcast capabilies
Above top: Studio scene from Fi, Vi, Si, Die from 2013 48 Hour Film Project;  Beach scene from Paulding.com Youtube Channel; Paulding County High School Football Show; Dennis Suit Show interview of State Sen. Mike Dugan; Pubby standing on SET B showing size of virtual set; Pubby behind desk on Big Set B shot; Custom 'garden' set from Youtube Channel; Another Set B demo; Parking lot shot also done in studio as are all images;  Tokyo street scene, Live weather set; Lincoln Memorial, Two screens from video swithcher, Shot showing green room, image of 3-chip camera in studio; Political shot showing candidate in front of State Capitol, Chroma-keyed shot in front of Wavcast Studio building; Background from Dave Hardin Stadium, Another image of the Capitol as background; studio audio mixer.